Saturday, August 22, 2009

After Orientation... (Part 1)

We just got back from a surreal yet “can’t get enough, wished it was a few more days longer” orientation, outdoor activities and leadership training camp…

I can’t begin to think of a word or phrase that would be considered most fitting to describe what we went thru. Awesome? Eye-opening? Life-changing? (Ok, that one was a little too serious…) I'm actually at a loss of words on how to describe the last few days...

Oh, oh... I've got one...


PRICELESS was the time we spent together, priceless was the experience that we've gain, priceless was everything that we went those last few days...

We’ve learn so many new things, about our country, about each other, and moreover, about ourselves individually and as a group. Our bonds became stronger through the sweat, tears and blood (yes, some of us got some minor cuts here and there)…

This is gonna be some major posting to done in order to cover what went on the last few days, so I’m gonna be breaking it down into separate posts. Well, I’ll let the photos give you all an idea of what went on. More text to be added later…

Starting off with Day 1…






To be continued in... After Orientation... (Part 1)